TARIFF - SERVICES AND OPTIONS - (All taxes inclusive)
Limited company incorporation - your choice of company name, shareholders and officers:
£ 240.00
Registered office facility - per year:
£ 180.00
Company secretary - per year:
£ 130.00
Assistance in applying for UK VAT number:
£ 120.00
Dedicated UK Telephone number (messages forwarded via email) - per year:
£ 120.00
Dedicated UK Fax number (messages forwarded via email) - per year:
£ 60.00
Basic web site, POP email and non dedicated UK Telephone and Fax numbers - per year:
£ 120.00
Copy of company incorporation documents in English - Legalised with Apostile:
£ 360.00
Legal translation of standard limited company incorporation documents into French or Dutch:
£ 120.00
Mail forwarding - handling fee £1.50 per item + cost of postage - initial deposit: £50.00